This is a claim marker for a claim next to one of the spots in my book. It’s accurate and quite clear in what it is marking. Even without this, a gps will guide you in staying on the public lands where you are welcome since I provide GPS coordinates for the edges of each public access area. Please don’t go wandering around an unfamiliar site without both using a gps as well as looking for signs of various sorts.
By the way this particular claim is next to site G-01C. It’s an entirely valid claim, please respect it by staying upstream of the marker. Removal of minerals is theft.
While this claim is well marked, many are not. This does NOT change their status. It is always illegal to dig up the flowers in my front garden without permission, I don’t need a fence or no trespassing sign for that, do I? It’s the same for mining claims. You can walk on it, boat through, go fishing…but don’t pick up a rock or “run a quick sample pan”. Just don’t!
If you are using my book, always use your gps to confirm the boundaries of the site. If you go elsewhere, be sure to locate and avoid claims and other private property. This may take some research before you head out. You can read my article on how to file a mining claim to learn the required research steps for identifying open ground. It’s complicated and archaic – that’s why I wrote my book!
Related content:
www.findinggoldincolorado.com/how-to-buy-a-mining-claim/…without getting scammed!
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