We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new tool every prospector should put to work! Keeping track of where you dig will help more than you may realize. By tracking our outings and how those trips turn out, we can learn more, faster, and become better prospectors. This is something I have done informally for years and I finally got around to designing a proper log book. With Laura’s help, and the contribution of a bunch of her inspiring photos to make it more fun, we are both happy to announce the publication of Finding Gold in Colorado: Prospecting Log.

With 125 log pages, each formatted to help capture all the key info about your outing, this new book will:
- speed your learning,
- make it easy to track your gold accumulation,
- give you something to jog your memory about prior outings,
- become something you reminisce over in future years.
I am happy to say we have been able to keep the cost quite reasonable at just $9.99 too!
As an affiliate marketer I get fees if you buy certain products through my website. I ONLY recommend things I’ve used extensively and love. If you like the info here, please do buy through the links here, it’s the only thing that covers the costs of building & running the site and it won’t cost you extra.
To get your copy now, go to Amazon here, or from High Plains Prospectors here. High Plains is usually faster since they keep stock on hand. Amazon only prints the books as you order them which can add a couple days to the delivery time.
To find a copy in a store try these options:
- Delta: Mr. Detector
- Cripple Creek: the gift shop at The Hotel St Nicholas
- Idaho Springs: The Idaho Springs Visitor Center & Museum or The Argo Gold Mill and Tunnel
- Leadville: The Rock Hut
- Nathrup: The Rock Doc
- Silverton: the county history museum
For only those who are outside Colorado and want a signed copy, just send $12.99 (no charge for shipping in the US) to me via PayPal here; be sure to mention your mailing address in the PayPal comments or email your address to findinggoldincolorado@gmail.com
If you are looking for our other books, check out Finding Gold in Colorado: Inspiring Images and Finding Gold in Colorado – Prospector’s Edition
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