Check out this magazine article I wrote! It was published in the Gold Prospectors Association of America’s GPAA Gold Prospector, Jan/Feb 2024 edition. Of course, I also suggest joining the GPAA at or at least subscribing to their magazine for 25 bucks a year. HAVE FUN going prospecting […]
winter gold prospecting
4 posts
Where and how to dig year-round in Colorado. Includes links to specific prospecting sites recommended for each season of the year.
Your author doing some off season digging in Colorado. The trees are brown, but the gold is still yellow!
I’m sitting at my computer, looking out the window at yet another winter storm (we’ve had almost 6 feet of snow this month (12/2016) here in Summit County!) and satisfying my gold fever with a little winter reading. I thought you might like to see some of the best of […]