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Of course, I think you need my book Finding Gold in Colorado:Prospector’s Edition if you are gold prospecting Colorado (get it here) oh and Finding Gold in Colorado: The Wandering Prospector (get it here) for even more legal dig sites. There are a few other print resources I’d also recommend. One caution: online prices for these next three books are generally higher than you will pay in a prospecting shop! If you can get to a local prospecting shop, go there for the best deal!
First is Ben Parker’s book, Gold Panning and Placering in Colorado. In 1961, Ben wrote a dissertation while studying at Colorado School of Mines. In the dissertation, he summarized his extensive work to gather all the historical reports on gold placers across the state. Later in his career, he worked with the Colorado Geological Survey to convert his work into a book. In 2009 the book was reissued by the state of Colorado with improved maps. Get it HERE. Be sure you are getting the newer 2009 version if you buy used – NOT the 1992 version.
Second is Gold Occurrences of Colorado, also from the Colorado Geological Survey. Buy this book entirely for the map. The huge Colorado map with all the gold deposits marked helps put locations in context as you plan an exploratory trip. Buy this one HERE but don’t pay more than $20 and make sure any used copy you consider comes with the map.
Third is the Gold Prospector’s Handbook. While my book, and the others up to this point, guide you on WHERE to dig, this is your HOW book. This, combined with some YouTube videos or time at the creek with an experienced prospector, will get you going on your prospecting skills. Get it HERE. If you don’t find this book, another excellent option is “Gold Fever – The art of Panning and Sluicing”. EDIT: Some time after I published this article, Chris Ralph published his impressive book Fists Full of Gold. This comprehensive book is excellent and I highly recommend it!
If you stop in at your favorite Colorado prospecting shop, you can probably find all four of the books including mine. Also remember, the prospecting shop will have these books at the best prices.
Finally, you need some maps to supplement your smart phone:
Start with a good physical map of the area you plan to explore. For free maps check out this National Geographic site. Trails Illustrated in collaboration with the National Geographic Society makes the best weatherproof, outdoor ready maps. These are maps you can carry on a hike without concern for damaging them. Shop for them HERE: Colorado Trails Illustrated Maps
Also get a Colorado atlas to help with route planning and trip organization. I like the DeLorme Colorado Atlas and Gazetteer. It is easy to read and has useful topographic map detail. I’ve been using their maps in the Colorado backcountry for 30 years. Get it HERE.
With these resources you will have great info to help you plan to “Find your gold!”
Need advice on prospecting equipment as well? Check out THIS article I keep up to date with my latest recommendations.
What ideas on where to go digging in Colorado? There are 186 in my book but if you just can’t wait for the book, there are quite a few on this website. Start HERE.
Want to do your part to support this website? Do your Amazon and prospecting shopping through my shopping page at www.findinggoldincolorado.com/shop-here/ It won’t cost you anything extra and the small referral fees make all the difference for the website.
One thought on “Prospector Library”
Bought all these books when they first came out! Great resources and wonderful, knowledgeable authors! Well worth the investment!