There are quite a few places around here to buy prospecting supplies. When you need gear, please shop via my links or support your local shop. There’s nothing like looking at your choices in person to get what you need and getting expert advice as part of the bargain.

If you know of other prospecting shops, feel free to message me or add their info in the comments.
Dedicated Prospecting shops with a full line of equipment:
Delta: at 208 Ute Street, Delta Colorado, 81416.
Metro Denver: Arvada Army Navy Surplus at 5701 Olde Wadsworth St, Arvada (just NWof the I-70 & Wadsworth interchange) has everything up to sluices. No power equipment.
Between Buena Vista and Salida, in the Nathrop area on Hwy 285:
Other stores with a good selection of basic prospecting gear:
Leadville: on the main drag and also at “Saturday’s Discount Mercantile” 12655 US-24 highway on the south end of town. (719) 486-5700
Lake George: Tommy Knockers Consignment, 38334 Hwy 24, Lake George, 719-838-0521
Canon City: in town Cañon City Coins has some basics. For more selection head west out of town to The Gold Mine Rock Shop on highway 50 up the canyon just a bit.
…and of course, Cabelas and Sportsmans Warehouse in metro Denver or up north in Loveland. Saturday’s Mercantile on the south end of Leadville has some basics as does the Rainbow Grocery & General Store in South Fork. Murdoch’s in Silverthorne also has some panning kits and large pans seasonally. You’ll also find gold pans for sale here and there in museum gift shops, general stores and such. Wherever you see pans for sale, be sure to ask, “When someone buys a pan here, where do you send them to use it?” You never know what you’ll learn!
The Western Museum of Mining & Industry has an impressive range of prospecting gear from pans to sluices to high bankers in their gift shop. They are on the on the north end of Colorado Springs. Of course, they are a must-visit site for prospectors, with some impressive industrial mining gear to ogle.
OK, so what am I missing?
This site costs money to keep up. The only way it makes money is shopping referrals. If you appreciate the info here, please click thru one of my Amazon links the next time you want to shop online (of course I hope you will FIRST try supporting your local prospecting store!). Using my links won’t cost you anything extra and it keeps the site going:
5 thoughts on “Prospecting Stores across Colorado”
Sportsmans Warehouse carries panning kits, metal detectors, and gold paydirt from the show Gold Rush. Bass Pro Shops also carry some metal detectors.
Thanks, I’ve addded Sportsmans Warehouse to the main article.
FYI folks, I don’t endorse buying paydirt from the Gold Rush tv show. The don’t give a “fair” amount of gold for your money. There are many better options such as the dirt sold by my friend Don at
How is the Prospector’s edition different than the original Prospecting in Colorado?
The prospector’s edition IS the first book I’ve published. There are a couple additional books however:
– Finding Gold In Colorado: Inspiring Images (a full color photo book showing the beauty of Colorado gold country)
– Finding Gold in Colorado: Prospecting Log (a structured log book to help prospectors keep track of their outings, gold finds, and what they learned for next time.)
I am also slowly working on
– Finding Gold In Colorado: The Wandering Prospector (additional dig sites and such, mostly situated away from the main gold rush areas but also including dig sites I’ve been able to confirm since the first book was released) EDIT: This book was released during summer 2023 and contains 270 more dig sites! See for details!