5280 Magazine is the premier magazine in metro Denver. I was thrilled to see that when they recently wrote an article on gold panning, they chose to reference this website twice! I’m so happy my efforts to serve the prospecting community are reaching a broader audience. On top of that, our state Governor was inspired to promote the article on Facebook in the spirit of encouraging healthy, safe outdoor activity that is “Covid friendly”. Wow, just wow! Here’s the article, I hope you enjoy it 🙂
If you want to learn more about the Arapahoe Bar Prospecting Park mentioned in the article, check out this write-up I did on it here. One correction I’d like to make to the 5280 article: the area where the park is, was very actively panned by early prospectors and was dredged by two 60’ long industrial dredges during the first decade of the 20th Century. Despite that, there is still decent gold in the creek simply because, while the dredges turned everything over, they were quite inefficient. They simply failed to catch much of the gold they dug up!
For information on more dig sites, check out my prospecting guidebook here.
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